Avoiding the Third-Quarter Slump

Christmas is almost here, and with it comes time off of school and the end of the second quarter. When your kids return to school after the holiday break, they will be close to starting the third quarter. This is the time when attention drifts, grades slump and kids start to get antsy for summer […]

Winter Break Learning Activities

Child Studying

  After the turkey has been consumed and the presents have been opened, many parents are looking at a few days or even weeks of kids at home without school to fill their time. How can you keep your kids engaged and their minds active during this holiday break? Here are some fun and educational […]

Building Strong Communication with Teachers

math teacher charlotte

A new school year has started. Whether your child is thriving, just getting by or struggling, one of the keys to making it a successful school year is good communication between parents and teachers. As a parent, here are some tips you can use to make that communication positive and helpful. 1. Ask the Best […]

Start the School Year Off Right with These Tips

School has started. Is your child getting off to the right track? No matter how old your child is, you, as the parent, can help prepare him for academic success. Here are some ideas you can use to make the first few weeks of school the best for your child. Have a Solid Routine Summer […]

Back-to-School Stress Relief for Kids

Summer is drawing to an end. Many summer school and summer enrichment programs are ending as schools get prepared to welcome students and parents start shopping for school supplies. For some students, this can mean an increase in anxiety as they wonder what to expect from new teachers, new peers and new experiences. If you […]

Educational Summer Boredom Busters

It’s summer. If you have the privilege of being home with your kids, you are going to hear plenty of “I’m bored!” in the next few months. Here are some educational activities to give your kids to stave off the boredom when it hits and promote summer learning. 1. Plan a Garage Sale “I’m bored” […]

Summer’s Coming – Keep Your Kids Engaged

While it might feel like winter just left the Charlotte area, the fact is that the school year is three-fourths of the way over. Now is the time to start thinking about ways to keep your kids engaged and learning over the summer. These tips from the Swan Learning Center will get you started thinking […]

4 Tips for Making the Most of Teacher Conferences

The key to success in school for many kids is involved parents. When you know what is going on at school and how your child is handling various subjects and social situations, you are setting the stage for success. This requires a good connection between you, as the parent, and your children’s teachers. That connection […]