Benefits of Elementary School Reading Tutors

Perks of Reading Tutors Reading skills are a crucial building block students need to nurture independent learning, internalize information on various subjects, and find joy in reading. With solid reading skills, your child will perform better in every school subject and is essential for their success throughout their school career. Is your child just learning […]

Top Springtime Learning Activities for Children

children learning activities

Whether you are looking for fun activities to do at home with your kids or searching for unique learning activities to incorporate into the classroom, it is always fun to plan around what is currently going on in the child’s world. Now that spring is in full force, it is the perfect time to integrate […]

Reading & Math Instruction & Academic Coaching

tutors in charlotte

Back to School time is here, and with it comes new teachers, new classmates and new challenges. Whether your children are starting kindergarten for the first time or heading into their senior year of high school, you need to give them the best possible start. One way to ensure that they are getting off to […]

Returning To A School Year Sleep Schedule

Once the school year rolls back around in August, parents have a lot of work to do in order to get their children into the back-to-school mode. One of the most important steps of this process is to readjust their sleep schedule. According to the National Sleep Foundation, children between the ages of five to […]

How To Convince Your Child that Educational Summer Camps can be Fun!

swan learning center

We feel it is our obligation to prepare you for the likely reaction you will receive from your children once you inform them they will be heading to Swan Learning Center for summer school. The moment a child hears the phrase “summer school” – eyes widen, jaws drop and fists clench. In most case scenarios, […]

Questions to ask when reading with your Child

Ask questions to help your children think about main idea, details, drawing conclusions, inference, predicting outcomes and character analysis. Ask questions that require a full sentence answer. Encourage your children to express themselves fully. Let them finish their own sentences. The better they express themselves verbally, the more fully they will answer questions in the […]

Encouraging Children

Children need both encouragement and praise. Make your encouragement personal. Give specific and direct praise. Reword your praising words from fatigue and general (“That’s good”) to a personal and specific (“I like the way you are working on that paragraph”). Give encouragement until a task is done well. Then praise the student for a job […]

Does Your Home Promote the Love of Learning?

Word to Encourage Keep Going—you are getting it. You are trying very hard. I know that you can do it. I like the way you are focusing. You are my star student today. I know sounding out words is difficult. Your persistence has paid off. You are putting forth wonderful effort & really learning a […]

Thriving During The Holidays – with children

The holidays are a time to be with friends and family and to experience the joy of shared hope. But many times, the holidays also bring too much hurrying and not enough family time. Most of us have learned to manage the stress the befalls most adults, yet we overlook the added stress that is […]

Homework Tips

When starts back in August of September that means earlier bedtimes, morning routines and daily homework for the students in CMS. Parents often dread an afternoon of struggling over homework; yet, if you set up a routine early in the year and be consistent, the year will can be a smooth one. Teach your children […]