Tag Archives: reading

Tutoring Service in Charlotte

Every parent wants what is best for their children. This may mean tutoring if your child is falling behind or struggling in school. Teachers can’t always provide one on one learning, where tutoring ensures your child gets the help he or she needs in whatever subject they are struggling with.  Expert Tutors You can expect expert tutors for your children at Swan Learning Center.

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Tutoring Services in Cotswold

  Children in Cotswold can benefit from a tutor for a variety of reasons. Some students need an additional challenge that they cannot find in school. Others struggle and need the help of an outside influence to help them excel. Some simply need assistance in building good study or testing skills as they learn how to navigate the complex world of school. Regardless of

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Making the Most of the Summer Reading Program

Summer is coming, and with it are months of leisure for your kids. If you aren’t careful, your children will lose much of what they have learned during the school year. How can you maintain the leisure of summer without losing everything your children have worked so hard to learn this year? The answer is to enroll them in the local library’s summer reading

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Signs of Potential Reading Problems in Young Children

As a parent, chances are high that you are a much stronger reader than your elementary aged child. Sometimes spotting true challenges, the type of challenge that warrants the help of a Charlotte tutoring center, is not always easy. Some of the earliest warning signs of reading challenges can be explained away because the child is “young” or “immature,” and this can lead to

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